FIN 110 Unit 3

Final Project


Initial Thumbnails
Final Thumbnail
Preparing a crumpled paper for observation, different types of paper and crumpling methods

Final Drawing

Final piece, Changed paper stack as I did not have time to render a giant stack of paper


Portfolio drawing 4

Drawing this piece I knew what I wanted to channel. I was inspired by Faye’s piece and making the subject smaller and a drearier vibe as opposed to my typical close up and bright, high contrast style of still life. For this piece I wanted to isolate the two figured and sequester them away so I chose the composition of the pair in the corner. I took some liberty of making my little plush creature a little more alive and organic to give him more personality and connection with the viewer. The silhouette of the swatter was a last minute addition that I found helped bring together the piece and the story I was trying to tell. It’s silly and sad, I feel I was successful in this piece and what I wanted to create despite it’s imperfections.

High key, full key, low key exercise
Quick model portrait
Moving model portrait
Blind contour
Continuous line portrait

Portfolio drawing 3