FIN 130 Unit 3

Final creeture

I think he came out funky and different as did everyone’s cardboard pieces, but I love him regardless. I had some trouble with assembly for transport home but Chantal was there to lend a short helping hand and moral support as I worked. The gluing process was relatively quick, and he came together well. he can hold things.

he is risen

progress of the crechure

taped up creachure
creachure split for assembly
Stop motion lapse of gradual proccess of gluing

Final Elephant and duck guy

I struggled, and struggled some more and then some after that with trying to find the best way to go about creating this project without using wood. I thought of using paper, but the logistics of that just weren’t working out and it felt so overwhelming. I stepped back and took a breather, discussed with my peers from class a while. I came up with airdry clay to follow a similar process to the wood but just in clay- I ended up buying the wrong clay. So with my incredibly limited time and quick thinking skills i hunkered down and worked intuitively with my limited materials. I think he is perfect regardless and so little silly. 🙂

Progress shots

Digital Screenshots and Recordings

I struggled a bit with the digital programs and settings but I picked up meshmixer quite quickly and enjoyed toying around and making weird little creatures.