FIN 210 Unit 1

idea wall v2

WK#5 Exquisite Corpse Drawings

For these two drawings I wanted to incorporate a larger sense of play than my recent works have has.. I wanted to try some usual and unexpected subjects- while still exploring the themes of body horror and abstracted feelings I have been exploring in my personal work. I completed them back to back, in a single session. I felt I was successful in my intentions for the work as I got to experiment and play, and find some ways to try to bring some more of my silly side and personality to lighten and enrich my future works- hopefully.

WK 4, Generative sustained drawings

These 2 works are something that were a very intriguing idea and breakthrough for me as a more accessible way to experiment with traditional media’s textures, patterns and buildability as well as unpredictability without so many of the usual hassles and challenges I face working with chalk and charcoal and pencils- by transferring as a closely as possible a traditional media practice to a digital medium. I researched and purchased some digital brush tools designed by artists. I, as much as possible, kept to using my digital tools with the same restraints I would find myself having if it were a real tool- So no undo button, and no magic fill tools.. Aside from the very end where I would play a little if I wanted to try adding different finishing touches.

WK #4, In Class Drawing

This was our class with Genevieve Johnson, I thoroughly enjoyed this class because it connected with my heavily sensory way of navigating life, my creative process and thoughts. It was a very refreshing experience to foster the physicality of art as well as the collaborative element of interacting with my peers as well. It was an utterly inspiring class and left me with much to consider and much to add to my artistic process.

The below drawing is from when everyone was standing and interacting with the long crochet, patchwork cardigan- It was a very freeing exercise to use such bright colors with such confidence and energy as I was inspired by the energized movements of everyone hoisting the fabric. it is upside down. im not fixing it <3

WK #3, In-Situ Drawing Exercise (unfinished)

layered drawing from film

sketches – location

I enjoyed the in situ drawing exercise as it was a fun and casual way to get out of my environment a well as learn new skills- and it did remind me of being in middle and high school doodling in my notes during class which was a little nostalgic 🙂

WK #3, Model Studies

I found this model study session especially explorative as I attempted drawing with left and right hand simultaneously- it was an interesting way to build the hand eye co-ordination and remove some of the muscle memory from the equation for freer and more energetic figures. I found the exercise in laying as the model moves to be challenging but a fun exercise- I could see myself using layering to convey motion in a different piece but perhaps with a little more time and polish.

Side note I also really enjoyed the ink figure with transparencies I felt that was very successful

WK #2, Take Home Assignments

for this assignment our theme was ‘What It Is To Be Human’

This was the first assignment that implemented my ideas, and as its far easier than my newer expanded board to see how on a smaller scale it works in connection to the work. In my brainstorming I found the two largest things that came to my mind when considering the topic. In these two pieces I also found my interest in some more intimate works. I think in the future I would like to find more detail in the works, as these were a bit crunched for time as well as I think some finer more intricate materials may be an order though some of the expression of the clunkier tools does add some interest and texture.

Idea Wall, V 1

This is a less than sophisticated capture of my first versions and building of my idea wall, which has been at the core of my current creative process. This semester I really wanted to build and work on things I haven’t been attending to, and capturing brainstorming has always been one. I had many small sketches and ideas, poems and song lyrics and whatever other written blurbs I thought fit. This mind map, string maze cork board style has been the perfect way for me to explore a core them while weaving in additions from classes, my personal interests and my outside life to help me create a more unified collection of work across the different mediums and subjects I work with. The core themes of internal humanity and self, as well as the overall human condition- of which most if not all other ideas I’m interested in working with weave into. I look forward to continuing to grow and expand this brainstorming project.

WK#2, Model Studies

WK #1, Foot/Sensory/Memory Assignments + Classwork

Draw what you remembered from the excerpt

Foot Exercise

Sketchbook Practise (non-assignment sketching)