FIN 130 Unit 2

Clay Project

this project was a lot more cathartic than most my other projects and I quite enjoyed playing with the clay. Most of my recorded processes in class where just playing, feeling out the clay and seeing what it would do in reaction to my throwing, pushing, pulling. My final product is more refined as I buckled down to make a product rather than to explore the material.

mixing up my paint mixture

Progress Of Clay

Below are the images and videos I took during our clay workshop while we tried out the clay and made our ‘habitats’ I mostly enjoyed making and destroying to see how the clay would come together, stretch and tear. I stayed late to complete the clay portions of my project and thoroughly enjoy my final result.

Bag Notes

Bag photos

Artist Research

Below are the images of my bag before I painted and added to it. Quite frankly I could not find the time to get into the studio and do not have the space at home for anything but mesh and I was satisfied with the rough and interesting finish of the bag and I enjoyed adding color and extra elements to it(which I will photograph in the studio)

never got around to photographing the final but you have it haha