FIN 140 Unit 1

Temporal Project

Do you see me? Here is the finished project. I feel I was succesful in executing my idea and my work invoked the intended reaction from the audience.

Unedited shots/ Progress shots


Once I heard the theme of what we were doing I knew exactly what I wanted to do, and I began that process before I did brainstorming in all honesty but I stopped to brainstorm, humoring other possibilities and remaining open to changing. In the end I still found myself migrating back towards my original idea.

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Temporal Artist Research

Assemblage Project Completed

Upon completing this project, I decided the best way to capture it was in a nature environment after trying it in a few other locations.

Assemblage Project Progress Update

FIN 130 Unit 3

Final creeture

I think he came out funky and different as did everyone’s cardboard pieces, but I love him regardless. I had some trouble with assembly for transport home but Chantal was there to lend a short helping hand and moral support as I worked. The gluing process was relatively quick, and he came together well. he can hold things.

he is risen

progress of the crechure

taped up creachure
creachure split for assembly
Stop motion lapse of gradual proccess of gluing

Final Elephant and duck guy

I struggled, and struggled some more and then some after that with trying to find the best way to go about creating this project without using wood. I thought of using paper, but the logistics of that just weren’t working out and it felt so overwhelming. I stepped back and took a breather, discussed with my peers from class a while. I came up with airdry clay to follow a similar process to the wood but just in clay- I ended up buying the wrong clay. So with my incredibly limited time and quick thinking skills i hunkered down and worked intuitively with my limited materials. I think he is perfect regardless and so little silly. 🙂

Progress shots

Digital Screenshots and Recordings

I struggled a bit with the digital programs and settings but I picked up meshmixer quite quickly and enjoyed toying around and making weird little creatures.

FIN 130 Unit 2

Clay Project

this project was a lot more cathartic than most my other projects and I quite enjoyed playing with the clay. Most of my recorded processes in class where just playing, feeling out the clay and seeing what it would do in reaction to my throwing, pushing, pulling. My final product is more refined as I buckled down to make a product rather than to explore the material.

mixing up my paint mixture

Progress Of Clay

Below are the images and videos I took during our clay workshop while we tried out the clay and made our ‘habitats’ I mostly enjoyed making and destroying to see how the clay would come together, stretch and tear. I stayed late to complete the clay portions of my project and thoroughly enjoy my final result.

Bag Notes

Bag photos

Artist Research

Below are the images of my bag before I painted and added to it. Quite frankly I could not find the time to get into the studio and do not have the space at home for anything but mesh and I was satisfied with the rough and interesting finish of the bag and I enjoyed adding color and extra elements to it(which I will photograph in the studio)

never got around to photographing the final but you have it haha

FIN 130 Unit 1

My wire ribcage

I struggled a lot with creating this as I did not have the materials necessary to create what was in my mind but I managed to create something somewhat successful.

Wire Project (Object)

This project gave me a lot of trouble as I’d never worked with such a tough and hard to manipulate medium. The thinking was not the challenging part, but trying to get the wire to twist as tightly as I wanted it to was. I failed again and again to do what I wanted with it, unhappy with how untidy my work was. I finally decided to just try a more abstract approach and let the wire do what it wanted, documenting and planning as I went. Even though my final result is simple, I really enjoy the simple, silly and lighthearted piece I landed on when I followed the wire’s natural goofy bends and swoops.

Final Piece
Close up
Me, wearing the glasses

Plan B, simpler, taking into account the way the wire works for me
My first attempt at my glasses recreation (failed)
The digital planning for my second try at the wire object.
images of my initial idea for a tictac box, which failed miserably.

Artist Research, Unit 1

FIN 121 Unit 3


Much of my process is very internal which does make it a real challenge to capture. I think very visually and very quickly, In very short amount of times and especially when I don’t have access to a sketchbook i’m running through different ideas and thumbnails in my mind. It would be next to impossible to capture everything I go through before getting to my final concept.

I spent a while mulling over mundane things I could capture that would allow me to explore things I am interested in painting while also challenging myself. I always find it difficult to portray someone the same way multiple times in a row so I figured it would be a fun exercises and from there I decided a morning routine- but making it fantastical was a challenge until I settled on self portraiture and used my own odd experience of the morning and daily rituals to add an extraordinary and abstract elements

My very first initial concept for the painting
Part of the time lapse from my digital planning, mainly colour exploration